Hello everyone,
Newbie on airtable here. I want to set up 2 databases and a form in airtable where the first database will hold unique email addresses and second database will hold a set of numbers with status “free” or “taken”. The form will be made available to my audience where they enter their email and choose a number say between 1-300.
The logic I am trying to set up is when someone enters their email in the form, they choose a number and submit the form, airtable checks if the email exists in the database and if the chosen number is “free” or “taken”.
If an email address does not exist, an error message will show email is not valid.
If email exist in database and number is “taken”, show message this number is no longer available.
If email exist in database and number is “free”, show message this number has been reserved for you and user receives an email confirming the number he reserved.
I have been trying to set this up but its kinda complex to me. Is this possible with airtable and if so any tips or help is most welcome.