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Hello all! I have a two part problem for you.

Our team is trying to figure out a way of syncing multiple tables, across different bases, into a singular table that will collect project information ( specifically start and end dates, capacity hours, etc) about each project we have running across the different project bases. This newly created table should be dynamic in updating its information as it is actively changed within those exterior bases and tables.

With this newly developed table, we wanted to then create a timeline view that measures team capacity (in workable hrs per week vs. how many hours each task takes to complete) across all of the collective projects. Ideally, this information is synced from the newly created table that is acting as a hub and contains all of this information from other bases.

Is this at all possible within Airtable, or have any workarounds been found to tackle a similar problem?

Thank you!

Hi Alex, if you’ve got a Pro or Enterprise account I believe you can use multi-source syncing to a single table (Documentation) which should solve your first problem. (I think Pro accounts can sync from 10 tables to a single base while Enterprise can do 20, do double check the pricing page for this!)

For the second issue, I don’t fully follow I’m afraid. Seems likely you’ll be able to do it once you’ve synced everything to a single table though

Hey @Alex_Quintanilla ,

We’ve built something very similar to what you’re looking for for an enterprise airtable customer. The solution includes an advanced airtable extension with team workload heatmaps and charts, in addition to a timeline view. Here’s an example heatmap:

You can read more about it in this topic and on our website, where you can schedule a demo.



Hey @Alex_Quintanilla ,

We’ve built something very similar to what you’re looking for for an enterprise airtable customer. The solution includes an advanced airtable extension with team workload heatmaps and charts, in addition to a timeline view. Here’s an example heatmap:

You can read more about it in this topic and on our website, where you can schedule a demo.



Ronan, does your product only work with Enterprise level accounts? Does it work with Pro level accounts?

