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Im currently using Airtable to track my companies electronic components (Computers, Keyboards, Monitors etc) and who these items were issued too.

I am having trouble tracking when people have multiple of one item. Monitors specifically.

Almost everyone in my company has two monitors. Is there a way to track this and put the amount everyone has per item as a sum somewhere?

Ex. 10 people have 2 monitors each but one person has one. I want to track the amount per person as well as have it summed to show I have 21 monitors in the company.

I hope this makes sense and someone can help. Thanks in advance!

Hi Ryan,

If you are on the Pro Plan, your request is fairly easy and doable. You can use the Pivot table Block as shown in the below screenshots

Hi Ryan,

If you are on the Pro Plan, your request is fairly easy and doable. You can use the Pivot table Block as shown in the below screenshots

So I would have to make an individual monitor for each person? We aren’t currently tracking serial numbers so I was hoping to just add a note to each persons monitor saying they had one or two. also in order to do the math portion I have to have Pro? There isn’t another option for the free version? Thank you for your response!

So I would have to make an individual monitor for each person? We aren’t currently tracking serial numbers so I was hoping to just add a note to each persons monitor saying they had one or two. also in order to do the math portion I have to have Pro? There isn’t another option for the free version? Thank you for your response!

Hi Ryan,

In this case i would suggest you simply do a table with the name of the employee in the main field and in the other fields put the Monitor, PC, etc. and just put the qty in it. Similar to the pivot table in the screenshot but manually.

I know you’ve had a lot of really good advice while I was creating this, but I’ll post it anyways. Hopefully it helps you and/or someone else. Play around with it and let me know if there is anything missing.
