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We are trying to get a better understanding of Airtable and its possible usage. We are a nonprofit that offers events, supports students going to college, has donors/sponsors, and has people that have more general usage of our services and more specific usage of our services. Are there any other small non profits that use this tool with these type of uses? Can you tell me about your experience (do you have to custom build this to work for you or was it ready to go at start, who did you have build if needed, how many people do you have adding this, how easy is it enter data and manage the data etc I am also wanting to better understanding creating and pulling reports.

Just some examples of things that we would need to be able to add in and see

Information I would need to enter:


*Persons Name (Donors name, students name, casual users name, attendees name, *sponsors contact name or maybe business name?)

*Contact info (emails, phone numbers, addresses etc)

*Place of employment/business owned

*Info about their goals or plans or help requests

*Info about where they are going to college if they are going to college (if they transferred of have numerous institutions)

  • Credits students might be might be taking

  • If they made a donation or are a sponsor and if so how much and what date etc.

  • If they are currently getting help from student support

  • Other things: Notes, attachments, details about interactions

    *tools to identify if they are high school students etc


*Event name

  • Instructor name

  • Costs for offering the event

  • Attendee Numbers official

  • attendees number signed in

  • Sessions

  • Dates of event

  • Time of event

  • Cost to attend the event

  • Any donations made to the event

  • Sponsor of the event

  • Attendees names and email addresses. what they paid, did they get a scholarship, any notes about them specifically,


  • Type of event (or types of events it was)

Information I would need to pull:

  • I would need to be able to pull a report that told me what events happened within a date range or on a specific date.

    ** Would need to be able to pull this event with a list of those that attend and/or a list of the number of official attendees and/or names and email addresses of those that attended (in a way that would be easy to send an email to those attendees and others) and/or total of attendees under this type of event between the dates and/or etc.

  • Pull a report based on a type of event based on dates

    ** Would need to be able to pull this event with a list of those that attend and/or a list of the number of official attendees and/or names and email addresses of those that attended (in a way that would be easy to send an email to those attendees and others) and/or total of attendees under this type of event between the dates and/or etc.

  • Look up 1 specific event and find out the details (and pull up an email list).

  • How many people we added to the database within a date range

    **What categories do these people fall under

    **Names of all of those added, the date added, and possible other details as needed

  • How many are college students between a date range

  • How do our numbers compare year over year etc.

These are very very simplicitic version of the reporting we would need.

Hey! I might be able to help you out with a custom solution if needed.
