(novel follows, better too much info than not enough I figure)
As part of an Airtable project/portfolio management system proof-of-concept, I have developed different tables which include (but aren’t limited to) the following information:
pOCIO Portolio] - Holds information on Projects
{Project Name} - Primary field
{Service Catalog Area} - Links to Service catalog Area table for projects.
{Phase} - Currently links to Phase table, may change to single select later
pService Catalog Area] - Project Service Catalog Areas
{Name} - Primary Field
{Report} - Name of person responsible for reporting progress in specific Service Catalog Area
pWSR Entries] - Junction table containing project updates for Monday project updates
{WSR Entry ID} - Concatenated Primary field
{Project Name} - Linked to OCIO Portfolio table
{Date} - Update date currently linked to WSR Date (would like to change see below)
{WSR Date} - Calculated date field that calculates the next Monday based on {Date}
{Service Area} - Linked to oService Catalog Area] table
{Report} - Lookup of fService Catalog Area] {Report}
Two questions:
In the eWSR Entries] table, two grid views have been built - ‘Joe 9/2 Updates’ and ‘Sam 9/2 Updates’. There are two formula fields in the dWSR Entries] table, one called {Joe Display?} and the other called {Sam Display?} The {Joe Display} field is marked ‘true’ if ((WSR Entries]{Report} = Joe) AND ({Date} = “9/2/2019” OR {Date} = “8/26/2019”)). The filter for the ‘Joe 9/2 Updates’ is then set to display records that are marked ‘true’ in the {Joe Display} field. Same mechanism for the Sam view. Would have been great to use a filter, but Airtable filters can’t use both ANDs/ORs. This works as intended until I try to switch from using {Date} to {WSR Date}. Can Airtable not properly evaluate a date generated in a formula field?
While the date question is interesting and a nice to have, my entire proof of concept is stuck with the fact that I can’t find a way to generate entries in the WSR Entries] table based on the OCIO Portfolio] table. Every Monday, all projects with {Phase} = “In Progress” need to be somehow populated into the WSR entries table so entries can be updated. Cut/paste is not a good option (previous problems with previous systems in doing that). Is that kind of functionality not possible with Airtable?
I’m completely open to the fact that a different Airtable table design may work better, and if I am missing something I’m all ears.