I’m having the same problem. Did you find a solution?
I emailed support and they were happy to help with downgrading back to Creator plan. Don’t think they have a way to do it manually via UI and you’ll have to contact support to get it done.
I emailed support and they were happy to help with downgrading back to Creator plan. Don’t think they have a way to do it manually via UI and you’ll have to contact support to get it done.
Awesome. Glad to hear it. Did you find an email address or just use the Help section form? I haven’t been able to locate an email.
Contacted them through the in-app help menu
Sorry, just for a record - didn’t it help just creating a brand new workspace in your account (which should have been automatically Creatos plan) and them copy that base from your Pro Plan workspace into into the Creators Plan workspace? Just wondering if that wasn’t working?
I just tried to do that and was able to move the base between the Pro Trial workspace back into the Creators workspace. The Pro Trial started when I shared the Creators workspace with somebody. But I was able to copy it myself without contacting support to downgrade.
From what I understand you lose Creator’s completely if you upgrade to Pro by changing the whole account, not changing the workspace to Pro Trial. Maybe I’m wrong but that’s what I see in my account
Yeah when on pro trial was still able to create new workspace on Creator plan so technically could copy data into that new workspace on the Creator Plan. This may be workaround for some, but I know I had many integrations set up so wanted to keep the same workspace/bases I was using rather than copy them to new workspace
It's an old post but I was quickly searching for the answer how I did this because it happened to me yet again.
No you do not need to copy the base. If you do that then all the Airtable automations will be paused and all 3rd party integrations (Integromat, Zapier or 3rd party API apps) will be broken, take requires like a day of work to get that reconnected for me.
What you need to do is for the affected base to unshare all shares you have (delete collaborators and shares) and create new workspace (will be Creators again) and then move that affected base from the old Pro Trial workspace to the new Creators workspace. By doing so the base will leave the new workspace in Creators level because the base doesn't have a share.
The presence of share in the base is what triggers the upgrade to Pro Trial.
So by moving the base rather than creating a new copy, you save yourself the headaches with having to reconnect it.
I wish Airtable made the process of adding a share and upgrade to Pro Trial a bit more transparent with a warning perhaps suggesting this is going to happen. They rather upgrade the workspace because they want you to move up to that Enterprise plan 😉
The only time I make use of this trick to upgrade a workspace to Pro Trial (now it's 30 days trial wow, Airtable generous now), is when I need to take advantage of some features not available in the Creators plan, like adding Scripts in Automations for instance so I can do that on temporary basis, for 30 days anyhow.
Otherwise the Creators plan is lovely and made me to a fan of Airtable. I really like the product for personal use mostly.