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I am using make to create a google doc using information coming from airtable. I then download the google doc into a pdf that I upload back on my google drive, it works fine.

Trouble comes when i try to feed back to Airtable. I have no problem with sending back a URL into airtable to open the document stored on Google Drive.

But I do not know how to send the PDF into an attachement field in airtable. 

Here is my Make scenario:

I have tried to insert a google drive share link action before the last airtable action and to pass this share link in the attachement field. Scenario works, and attachement field is populated, but clicking on the attachement in airtable opens a blank document (the direct link to the same document does open correctly).

What do I need to do to correctly populate the attachement field?

Thank you for helping



Hey @Pascal_Gallais- , 

in attachment's url you send to Airtable module you need to use a public url and the urls from drive by default are private, so the process generates a new blank document in Airtable. 

What you can do is to store those attachments in an alterative system and use those links in your scenario. 

For any further question please do not hesitate to post on Airtable community. 

Yours sincerely, 
Dimitris Goudis 

Hey @Pascal_Gallais- , 

in attachment's url you send to Airtable module you need to use a public url and the urls from drive by default are private, so the process generates a new blank document in Airtable. 

What you can do is to store those attachments in an alterative system and use those links in your scenario. 

For any further question please do not hesitate to post on Airtable community. 

Yours sincerely, 
Dimitris Goudis 

Thanks Dimitris, I did using DropBow between Google Drive and Airtable.

Thanks also to ScottWorld who explained how to effectively get the pdf from dropbox to an attachement field in a previous post:



you can also use webhook response module : 

Alternatively, You can use for generating pdf based on Airtable data. We use Google Docs as template. We offer a lifetime plan currently at 150$. This plan lets you generate as many pdf as needed.
