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A while ago I posted a question How to do Partner field?

“When I have a new network of eg 10 partners, and I put all 9 partner orgs of 1 of those orgs in that org’s Partners field, I want it to, for each of those 9 orgs, also fill their Partners field with all the other 9 orgs (the 10 orgs minus itself) rather than with just that one org in whose Partner field I put the 9 other orgs.”

and @kuovonne posted the solution How to do Partner field? - #6 by kuovonne

I thought I’d post how I’ve now implemented it

an organization can be the name of a network of organizations, in which case it is not a member organization itself


an organization can be the head of a network of organizations of which it is also a member itself

In the table, ‘’ is the name of a network of organizations while ‘DOT Europe’ is the head of a network of which it is also a member itself. ‘Project Origin’ is name of a network but is itself also part of a different network (‘’)

step 1: for each of the three heads or names of networks, add all the member organizations

step 2: use the script with the field with all the member organizations as parent and ‘member of this network’ as child, which populates the child field

step 3: which in turn populates the lookup field with all member organizations

step 4: use formula to remove for each organization itself from all member organizations

step 5: copy values from formula field to linked record field to get linked record field with all fellow member organizations of each organization, excl itself

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