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We are looking using a Timeline or perhaps Gantt to assess producer workload at a glance. I have a Gannt and Timeline working at a basic level but need additional detail.

I would like our team to input milestone dates into the base spreadsheet for each project line, to have those milestones show and update in the project blocks in Timeline/Gantt. 

Is there a way to include Milestones from date columns in a spreadsheet?


I don't think so; milestones need to be their own records with a start date and no end date for both the Gantt and Timeline view

You could try to streamline the process I suppose?  Maybe have an automation that looks at that date column, and if it's updated either:
1. Create a new record with that date value and link it to the triggering record
2. Update the linked record with the new date

I don't think so; milestones need to be their own records with a start date and no end date for both the Gantt and Timeline view

You could try to streamline the process I suppose?  Maybe have an automation that looks at that date column, and if it's updated either:
1. Create a new record with that date value and link it to the triggering record
2. Update the linked record with the new date

Thanks very much (:

I’m don’t know much about the automation side yet, but that’s a great suggestion and I’m having a play. Do we know that it’s possible?

Also wondering can you create an automation attached to a particular view, or does it have to be attached to a base?


Thanks very much (:

I’m don’t know much about the automation side yet, but that’s a great suggestion and I’m having a play. Do we know that it’s possible?

Also wondering can you create an automation attached to a particular view, or does it have to be attached to a base?


Oh yeah, it's definitely possible 

When "Milestone" gets updated, it looks for a record that has the name "sTASK NAME] Milestone".  If such a record exists, it'll update the "Start" date.  If not, it'll create the record

Link to base

re: Also wondering can you create an automation attached to a particular view, or does it have to be attached to a base?

For the purposes of our conversation, most of the automation triggers usually ask for a view to look at, yeah

Some automation triggers (such as "when webhook received") are attached to the entire base though

Adam, thanks so much for taking the time to share your knowledge. 

I've spent the past 24 hours trying to digest this info and playing with the Timeline. I have that view working as I need to at about 80% now. I've manually created some Milestones in the Timeline they are displaying as I would like, but they are independent of the job, so they don't move when the job moves. 

I've tried creating a new base for the 3-4 Milestones I'd like to link to each job but I still don't fully understand lookup and linking, and I need to make sure that each Milestone can display in my Timeline with a particular name; either Toolkit, Shoot, Material Deadline 1 and Material Deadline 2.

I'm not sure if I should be using the linked records alone or plus automation, but it all does make a little more sense each time I come back to it, so I think I'll be able to work it out with the info you've given me.

I don't expect you to spend too much more time, just letting you know I'm still working on it 🙂

Adam, thanks so much for taking the time to share your knowledge. 

I've spent the past 24 hours trying to digest this info and playing with the Timeline. I have that view working as I need to at about 80% now. I've manually created some Milestones in the Timeline they are displaying as I would like, but they are independent of the job, so they don't move when the job moves. 

I've tried creating a new base for the 3-4 Milestones I'd like to link to each job but I still don't fully understand lookup and linking, and I need to make sure that each Milestone can display in my Timeline with a particular name; either Toolkit, Shoot, Material Deadline 1 and Material Deadline 2.

I'm not sure if I should be using the linked records alone or plus automation, but it all does make a little more sense each time I come back to it, so I think I'll be able to work it out with the info you've given me.

I don't expect you to spend too much more time, just letting you know I'm still working on it 🙂

Glad to have helped!  Hm, I don't think I would create a new base for milestones actually.  I'm not too sure what your use case for that is though, so I can't say for certain whether it's a good or bad idea

Are those milestones static for every job?  If so, you could create formula fields that will calculate each milestone with `DATEADD()`, and then plug those into the automation to create 4 milestone records, named and dated appropriately for you? 

Best of luck with everything!  Let me know if you hit any roadblocks and I'll see what I can do!
