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I’d love to see a formula App that allows you to combine Summary app numbers together. This would allow you to add mathematical formulas (primarily adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing) on various Summary Apps.

An example of this would be:

  • Summary App that displays “2021 Spring Quarter podcast downloads = 20,000 downloads”

  • Summary App that displays “2021 Fall Quarter podcast downloads = 25,000 downloads”

  • Formula App to combine spring and fall Summary apps together (which would equal “2021 total podcast downloads = 45,000”)

Doing it this way would make it so you only would have to make 2 unique views (1 view for “2021 spring quarter” and 1 view for “2021 fall quarter”) instead of 3 unique views (1 view for “2021 spring quarter” and 1 view for “2021 fall quarter” and 1 view for “2021 totals”).

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