Hi there! I’d appreciate any ideas about how to handle this data entry need:
I have a form (external users) where one of the fields needs to collect assessor’s parcel numbers. Users tend to input this in very inconsistent formats, so I wanted to make this a multi-select or use a linked record from another table to force consistent formatting. However, there are about 29k potential parcel numbers to select from, and Airtable is not handling a CSV upload of these numbers into a new table (it crashes out even though the CSV is <2MB).
I’d take all kinds of solutions, including:
- A way to add 29k options to a multi-select
- A better way to upload a single-column, 29k row table to use for linked records
- A way to force a 000-000-000 format for a text entry field (however, I’d need a way to have multiple parcel numbers entered with this format in this field, as each record could have multiple parcels listed)
Or any other clever ideas about how to handle this to cut down on post-entry data cleaning as much as possible!
Thank you!