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I'd like to be able to create an ordering front-end for our farm. Ideally I'd like to be able to do this through airtable, so i can keep all our data well intergrated and streamlined.

Here's my workflow:
- Estimate quantities available for harvest on our harvest and delivery day (2 days ahead) - share that with our wholesale accounts. For some products, I communicate a range (i.e. "we definitely have 10kg of parsley, maybe up to 12kg"). Some accounts give a range of how much they'd want - e.g. "we would take a minimum of "10kg parsley, but if you do indeed have 12, we'll take all of it").
- Receive orders. If there are conflicts in how much different accounts want, then I have to communicate asap with them. Generally its first-in-first-served, but there are 2 important accounts that have been supportive from the start, through mistakes etc, so I prioritise them.

I'd like to be able to handle this with forms that I email to the accounts. My ideal workflow would look like:
- Check the items available this week

- Fill in minimum available amounts

- Send to form customer

This form should:

- Show the minimum quantities available (which would be updated by previous orders, removing a step in communicating "sorry, parsley already sold out!")

- Be able to show all products in a kind of grid form (so they can scroll through each line of products and type how much they want)

It is easy to update an available quantity field via an automation, but how can I include that in a user-friendly front end, without requiring my customers to have airtable accounts?

We're on the Teams level of airtable membership, which doesn't let us create public interfaces. 

I know there are lots of intergrations available, but to save myself some headaches of figuring out which would let us do what we need to free/cheaply - does anyone have any suggestions?

Hmm, the Teams plan should have the ability to share Interfaces publicly:

Combining this with a native Airtable form or form should do what you need I believe!

Hmm, the Teams plan should have the ability to share Interfaces publicly:

Combining this with a native Airtable form or form should do what you need I believe!

Huh, airtable contradicts itself on another page about interfaces!

I think the issue with airtable forms is that there is info needed for multiple records, which airtable isn't really set up to do.

So we might have 25 products available in a given week, and ideally they appear as a list with "x available" "price" and an input field for ordering.

I'm not sure there is anyway to do this with airtable natively?

From your knowledge of, would the free tier work for achieving this?

Huh, airtable contradicts itself on another page about interfaces!

I think the issue with airtable forms is that there is info needed for multiple records, which airtable isn't really set up to do.

So we might have 25 products available in a given week, and ideally they appear as a list with "x available" "price" and an input field for ordering.

I'm not sure there is anyway to do this with airtable natively?

From your knowledge of, would the free tier work for achieving this?

Ah, it sounds like you want the users to have a grid view to see stuff and then modify that directly.  If so, a public interface or shared view with a prefilled form link might work and I don't think it'd matter whether you were using there or not

You could also check out JotForm's tables in forms function, although I'm not sure if you can prefill that with values:
