Jul 09, 2018 07:12 PM
I need a formula to calculate a benefit start date. Our insurance benefits begin 60 days after the first of the month.
So if an employee start date is 8/13/2018 the Insurance Benefit date is 11/1/2018.
Has anyone done this? I have tried multiple combinations, but can not figure it out. Thanks!
Jul 10, 2018 12:29 AM
I would do:
My formula:
'1-' & MONTH(
{Start Date}
) & '-' & YEAR(
{Start Date}
Jul 10, 2018 09:13 AM
Thank you for getting me closer. The benefit start date needs to be the first of the month after 60 days. So if an employee start date is 8/13/2018 the Insurance Benefit date is 11/1/2018
Jul 10, 2018 09:46 AM
Hi Liz, that’s what Elias’ formula does, but it’s in D/MM/YYYY format. In your sheet this formula will use the date format you’ve chosen.
Jul 10, 2018 09:57 AM
Thanks. I could use english date format or days greater than 12 (that can’t be months :slightly_smiling_face: ), but I think people only goes to the result and ignore the explanation (that is the important part!).
Jul 10, 2018 12:34 PM
Thank you for your help!