Oh and one other bit… Our current Job Numbers, manually entered, are about 50 places above the auto-number in our base. So we also need a chunk of the formula that makes up for that difference.
So it’s: XY + Zeros + Auto-Number + 1 (or whatever)
Column 1, Title:
({Job Number - Auto} & " - ") & {Job Name}
Column 2, Record #:
Airtable’s native auto-number
Column 3, Legacy Numbering:
A manual checkbox to indicate that a given record requires an offset to maintain legacy numbering
Column 4, Manual #:
Our original, manual Job Numbers
Column 5, Offset:
{Manual #} - {Record #}
Column 6, Auto #:
IF({Legacy Numbering} > 0, {Record #} + Offset,{Record #} + 66)
Column 7, Prefix:
Static two-letter text field with default value
Column 8, Zeros:
IF({Auto #} < 10, “0000”,IF({Auto #} < 100, “000”,IF({Auto #} < 1000, “00”,IF({Auto #} < 10000, “0”,IF({Auto #} < 100000, “0”)))))
Column 9, Job Number:
(Prefix & Zeros) & {Auto #}
The 66 in Column 6 was the offset at the date we switched from manual to auto-numbering. And the extra IF statement in Column 8 is there for the day we cross 99999 jobs.
Column 1, Title:
({Job Number - Auto} & " - ") & {Job Name}
Column 2, Record #:
Airtable’s native auto-number
Column 3, Legacy Numbering:
A manual checkbox to indicate that a given record requires an offset to maintain legacy numbering
Column 4, Manual #:
Our original, manual Job Numbers
Column 5, Offset:
{Manual #} - {Record #}
Column 6, Auto #:
IF({Legacy Numbering} > 0, {Record #} + Offset,{Record #} + 66)
Column 7, Prefix:
Static two-letter text field with default value
Column 8, Zeros:
IF({Auto #} < 10, “0000”,IF({Auto #} < 100, “000”,IF({Auto #} < 1000, “00”,IF({Auto #} < 10000, “0”,IF({Auto #} < 100000, “0”)))))
Column 9, Job Number:
(Prefix & Zeros) & {Auto #}
The 66 in Column 6 was the offset at the date we switched from manual to auto-numbering. And the extra IF statement in Column 8 is there for the day we cross 99999 jobs.
Wow! Awesome, I’m looking for something like this. Thanks for sharing.
yup! wish they’d add a feature for fixing the number of digits
this is great, but seriously complicated considering they can limit decimal significance and will round for you automatically.
wow thanks, nice workaround!