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Hello! I work for a university and have made a gallery view of research resources to be displayed on our department website. I only want a few sections displayed on the cards, however I want more sections displayed when someone clicks on a card. I also do not want everything to show when someone clicks on the card; just a few other sections that are not displayed on the card itself. When selecting sections to show and hide, this also applies to when you select the card and I am trying to customize the views on both the card and when you select it. Is this possible? And can someone help me figure this out?

Thank you in advance!

Hi @Victoria_Limon,

Thanks for your question! In gallery view, you can click Customize cards to show/hide fields on the cards. Read more about this here.

As far as restricting the information once the card is clicked, it sounds like you’ll want to create a view share link to the gallery view (as opposed to the entire base). The viewer of the share link will not see any records that are hidden in this view. Just be sure that you toggle off “show all fields in expanded records” as seen below.

If this answers your question, please consider making this topic as “solved” with this response!
