So I have a table called Investors. Say there are 300 records here.
And I have a table called Companies. Say there are 100 records here.
And I have a tabled called Individual Investments. It’s the intersection of Investors and Companies. An investor can invest in any deal they choose and invest any amount. So I might have, say, 2,000 records here (but obviously I wouldn’t have more than 30,000 — which would be if every one of the 300 Investors invested in every one of the 100 companies).
In the Individual Investments table I list the Investor, the Company in question, and the amount they invested.
We’d like to send a report to each investor that lists all their investments and how much they invested.
I once figured out how to put this together in the Page Design block and I’m sure I can muddle my way there again (or come here for help) but I also want to email out this report as a PDF.
And not just one big report showing all 10 investors what all 10 invested in, but a customized report that shows each investor just their own investments.
I know I can create a report that has one investor per page.
I know I can create a PDF that’s ALL pages as one big PDF.
Is there any way to create a series of PDFs — one per record?
Is there a way to use the SendGrid block to mail out these individual PDFs?
If I have to sit here and split up the giant PDF into 300 individual PDFS and then manually email them out I think I’m going to cry.