I’m just getting started, and had one bust of an attempt, so now want to ask about the best way to start before I have a second bust. I restore and sell vintage fountain pens, am looking to move to AT from several Google Sheets, and a ton of duplicate entry.
The variables I am transferring over are SKU (each pen in the pipeline regardless of owner), owner code, brand, model, and other fields that are descriptive to the pen but not to be linked.
I built a master tab with all of the items, as I had them described in Sheets; then added a brand tab and a model/submodel tab; and columns in Master for Brand and Model, linked to their tabs, and linked every pen in Master to a brand and a model. I sorted a few times to make sure it all made sense, then left it for a few days. Came back last night and the models and brands had gotten confused. SKU is unique; I added a number variable to be the primary variable.
Luckily I still have the spreadsheets, but where did I go wrong? Is there a way to lock down the work once it’s saved? What happened?
Many thanks,