Try wrapping your formula in a VALUE()
function, which should convert it into a number. You might also try writing multiplication like this: {Sold Price}*.2
rather than ({Sold Price})(.20)
Finally, for simplicity’s sake, your formula could use a SWITCH()
function instead of several IF()
{Sold Price}*SWITCH({Platform Sold},'Poshmark',.2,'Mercari',.1,'Ebay',.09)
Aside from the excellent tip by @Kamille_Parks to change this to use SWITCH, your current formula isn’t formatted properly. You’re doing a series of individual IF functions tied together with the & concatenation symbol, which will merely mash all of their results together end to end as a string, instead of giving you a single numerical value that you can format as currency. What you should be doing is nesting the IFs inside each other. The basic format would look like this:
IF(condition1, value1, IF(condition2, value2, IF(condition3, value3)))
Also, you don’t need to wrap parentheses around individual field values in your calculations, so I stripped some of those extra characters out as well. Here’s the updated result:
IF({Platform Sold}="Poshmark", {Sold Price} * .20, IF({Platform Sold}="Mercari",
{Sold Price} *.10, IF({Platform Sold}="Ebay", {Sold Price} * .09)))
But again, I’d strongly encourage switching to SWITCH. It’s just a lot cleaner for this kind of situation.
Thank you both, much appreciated. I’ll try it out.
Try wrapping your formula in a VALUE()
function, which should convert it into a number. You might also try writing multiplication like this: {Sold Price}*.2
rather than ({Sold Price})(.20)
Finally, for simplicity’s sake, your formula could use a SWITCH()
function instead of several IF()
{Sold Price}*SWITCH({Platform Sold},'Poshmark',.2,'Mercari',.1,'Ebay',.09)
Thanks for recommending SWITCH, definitely makes sense to use, but I tried the switch formula you provided and it’s not working for some reason. It’s saying ‘invalid formula’. Is there something else i’d have to add? Sorry, I’m completely new to this.
Try wrapping your formula in a VALUE()
function, which should convert it into a number. You might also try writing multiplication like this: {Sold Price}*.2
rather than ({Sold Price})(.20)
Finally, for simplicity’s sake, your formula could use a SWITCH()
function instead of several IF()
{Sold Price}*SWITCH({Platform Sold},'Poshmark',.2,'Mercari',.1,'Ebay',.09)
Nevermind, it worked perfectly!
My mistake.