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Hi everyone,

I’m setting up Airtable for our fleet of drivers and want to do a call log for our Monitoring and Quality team. The table consists of a ‘Call Log’ tab for our outgoing calls and a ‘Drivers’ tab for the driver information.

Three things I’m trying to accomplish:

First, In the ‘Drivers’ tab, I have two columns ‘Name’ & ‘ID’. In my ‘Call Log’ tab, I would like when I fill out the ‘Driver Name’ it automatically inputs the ‘ID’

Secondly, when I click on the Driver Name and the cell expands I would like the history (entries and calls) made to that driver to be moved at the top. Is this possible?

And thirdly, the last column in the ‘Call Log’ tab is the cell called ‘Last Contact’. I would like it to automatically display the last time a ‘Driver’ was associated with a row.

Thank you all in advance 🙂



Hi @Jacob_Appel and Welcome to Airtable Community :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Let me try to help you a bit here.

First, In the ‘Drivers’ tab, I have two columns ‘Name’ & ‘ID’. In my ‘Call Log’ tab, I would like when I fill out the ‘Driver Name’ it automatically inputs the ‘ID’

For your DRIVERS tab, simply change the ID column to a lookup and for the CHOOSE A FIELD IN THIS TABLE, select DRIVER

Secondly, when I click on the Driver Name and the cell expands I would like the history (entries and calls) made to that driver to be moved at the top. Is this possible?

The expanded view is simply the same view as it appears in the sheet. If you want it to be at the top, move those fields to the beginning of the DRIVER sheet.

And thirdly, the last column in the ‘Call Log’ tab is the cell called ‘Last Contact’. I would like it to automatically display the last time a ‘Driver’ was associated with a row.

I’d need to get more details on this before offering any help. You have it linked to the drivers. Assuming that the Driver sheet is just a list of driver names, then it might make more sense to add that rollup field to the Driver sheet and have it roll up the MAX date.

Hope this helps a bit

Hi @Nathalie_Collins, thank you for the welcome and the assistance!

I managed to solve the first and the last problem I had 🙂

The second one re the expanded cell and how it is shown; I’m unable to change the order - even after trying to move the fields to the beginning of the sheet they remain in the same order (see linked screenshots)

Also, what determines which fields can be hidden and which can’t?



Hi @Nathalie_Collins, thank you for the welcome and the assistance!

I managed to solve the first and the last problem I had 🙂

The second one re the expanded cell and how it is shown; I’m unable to change the order - even after trying to move the fields to the beginning of the sheet they remain in the same order (see linked screenshots)

Also, what determines which fields can be hidden and which can’t?



Hi @Jacob_Appel,

I was originally under the impression that the “order” that you were asking about was related to the order in which items appear in an expanded view.


In your example here, you circled the Call Log field. If you’re asking how to sort the linked items within the field (ie 19/62019 10:34, etc), the answer is that there is no way to do that at this time. The system puts them in, in the order they you add them.


Now regarding your other image. I can’t tell from the image, where this is pulling from, but basically, what ever table it’s pulling from, it’s copy the details from there.

So here’s a better example.

In this example, I have table called CLIENTS linked to a SERVICES table. From the SERVICES table, I am able to click CLIENT field and pull up this image. Notice how it lists Name, Last Name and First Name. That’s because, that’s the order that the CLIENT table is in. If I change the CLIENT table and move the First Name to the front of the sheet, when I come back here, the list will look differently. See for yourself.

That takes us to the hidden fields

Those are fields that you have hidden that are in the DRIVERS table. Remember, this expanded is simply a ‘shortcut’ to your DRIVERS sheet.

Hope this helps :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
