I’m new to Airtable scripting and am just learning my way around through hit & trial. I don’t have any javascript experience either, but I’ve used python in the past. I’m trying to write an Airtable script that sends data to my Integromat webhook trigger. So far I’ve been gotten the following:
// Webhook URL
let webhook = 'https://hook.integromat.com/integromaturl'; // replace with actual integromat URL
// Table to send data from
let tableName = 'Master Client';
// Fields to bind and send
let fieldsToSend = s
'Client ID',
'Client Name',
'Created Time',
'Last Modified'
I guess I’m stuck with what to do after this. My intent is to use the Airtable automation such that when a new record is created in this table (Master Client), I want this script to run.
But what do I need to add to my script so that Airtable sends the information in my ‘fieldsToSend’ variable to my ‘webhook’ variable. All I seem to have done in my script is to create and assign variables – it doesn’t really do anything.
Sorry if this is stupid and really basic, I’m literally just figuring this out from scratch.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Thank you.