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Hi Airtable Community,

Could someone please help me out, I have two columns, one that is Start time and one is Stop Time, they both have dates and times. I use a formula to get me the total hours between the dates and times. The only issue is, some projects that have start end time of 1/12/2020 10:10 till 2/12/2020 15:30 will give me total hours but I only need it to calculate during working hours which is 7 Hours and not give me a total of hours which include when the employee is not working. Is there any formula that can take in account to only calculate total hours during work hours?

I am using this formula for total hours between the two dates.

IF({Stop Time},DATETIME_DIFF({Stop Time},{Start Time},"")/3600)

Thank you all for any help that can be provided.

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