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I have created a Base and have set a column (videoImage) to use an Attachment. Next I have uploaded an image. In my VueJS app I have the following however the path of the image is incorrect and the image won’t render.

<img v-bind:src="recordr'fields']''videoImage']" class="img-responsive" alt="Video">

Therefore, is there a way to get the URL of any item such as documents, images etc that are uploaded as attachments or bind the correct path in Vue?

This is an object, not a URL. A file attachment field object looks like this:

As such, you need to identify the URL field. e.g., …


This is an object, not a URL. A file attachment field object looks like this:

As such, you need to identify the URL field. e.g., …


That’s amazing Bill. Thank you very much for your help, it’s very much appreciated.
