i am a beginning user of airtable, and i feel i may be missing something. what do the rest of you do for joining/linking/merging tables with more than say a few 10s of records?
i have a dimension table (properties) and a fact table (transactions). i need to join them so that each transaction has the right properties added. i tried multiple times to figure out how to do that with linked records, and lookup, and rollup, till it dawned on me that those only work when you, for each record, MANUALLY CHOOSE THE LINKED RECORD?! in my use case there are only a few thousand transactions going through per month, (and a few tens of properties) but that scale is obviously beyond a manual method.
i have been looking around for ‘merge’, ‘join’, ‘auto-lookup’, ‘vlookup’, etc but nothing presented itself. i am quite surprised. i thought for sure that somewhere there’d be an automation, or a script, or an extension, or something that would provide this capability, but it really doesn’t seem to be? is that so? am i just not finding it?
if true, this is a total dealbreaker for us, and i just cannot see a way around it. how do the rest of you cope with even modestly sized tables? is there a trick? please tell me there is a trick?