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I would like to remove the following special characters on the “project name”

~ ` ! @ # $ % & * ; : ? . , ’ "

UPPER(CONCATENATE(Language, “-”, Team, “-”, SUBSTITUTE({Project Name}, " ", “”), “-”, {Date Added to Airtable}))

Can someone help me 🙏


It looks like you have a great start with using the SUBSTITUTE function to remove spaces. To remove additional characters, use nested substitution functions, as demonstrated in this post on creating slugs for webpages. That post replaces the special character with their url encoded equivalents, but you can remove them entirely if you like.

It looks like you have a great start with using the SUBSTITUTE function to remove spaces. To remove additional characters, use nested substitution functions, as demonstrated in this post on creating slugs for webpages. That post replaces the special character with their url encoded equivalents, but you can remove them entirely if you like.

Thank you Kuovonne, It worked 🤘
