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On an airtable registration form that has a required field for DOB, some users have made error on their years of birth (for example 2023 instead of 2003) . Then they submit it and it fills the table with wrong data without them being aware of it. 

Is there a way that I can set the minimum date of birth to 01/01/2007 for example, so that the forms can alert the user that the date is incorrect at the time of form submission ? 

If not, which other way is possible ?

Hi @Soly,

It isn't possible to set this up right now within the Airtable form.

If notifying the user post-submission is ok, you can:

1. Set up a formula field to detect if the information entered in the date field is wrong, or

2. Use filters in a view to filter by dates earlier than the minmum date,

and trigger an automation to send an email to the user to update their form submission if the date entered is before the minimum date.

In the email, you could include a link to a form to update their submission according to this thread comment -

Hi @siliceous ,

Awesome, since it is not possible I will go with the formula + trigger method you have shared then, as I have another formula field that calculates ages based on DOB. That way it can trigger an email automation if the age is lower than the minimum age. 

Thanks for your support 🚀

Our miniExtensions form offers this functionality natively! You can set a field to only be valid if the date is before a certain cutoff, for example:
