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Hello -

I’m an admitted newbie and am having a hard time figuring out how to link the tables in a base that I am using. I am a professional genealogist and take record retrieval requests - could be a number of different kinds of records with different fields needed for information within each. Thank you in advance for your assistance 🙂

When I take a record request, the Client information stays the same, and I want to ask some core questions first as to the type of record retrieval request, what kind of copy they need, when they need it, etc. then LINK that initial request entry that contains the client info over to the specific kind of record they are requesting (each is it’s own table).

I thought that should be through the unique auto number but then I need to carry the name, email and phone over, but I’m not seeming to make that work?

Here is the unique client record request that should come first - you can see the tabs for the other tables on the top.

Then each type of record has it’s own table that I use in a form they fill out with information. I don’t want to have to keep taking the client info over and over and would prefer it linked? I can’t autofill it because it’s always a different request. The record TYPES are a known, single select field.

My hope was to use Gravity Forms or a form builder in my wordpress site to first take the Client Request information (above) and then they would select the record type and it would pull up the appropriate form. Then I could Airpress the form answers to the right table?

Here are the forms for a few of the different requests - you see how they take in different info.

Probate Record(s):

Marriage Record:

Birth Records:

Church Records (Including Birth, Marriage, Death):

Court Record (Legal Case)

Criminal Dispositions (Only)

Death Records

Historical Records (Miscellaneous):

I should add that they only make one record request at a time and it can be any type. So Client A could be record request 14 and 15 and 24 and the could be three different types of records on diff tables. Then Client B might be request 16 and 17 and they are the same type of records but two different documents (like two marriage certificates, diff dates, diff couples). So the request number can’t carry over to all the tables, only do the specific table for the requested record type.

Hope this makes sense? :woman_shrugging:t2: I don’t think it’s as complicated as I’m making it in my head. Thanks!

I should add that they only make one record request at a time and it can be any type. So Client A could be record request 14 and 15 and 24 and the could be three different types of records on diff tables. Then Client B might be request 16 and 17 and they are the same type of records but two different documents (like two marriage certificates, diff dates, diff couples). So the request number can’t carry over to all the tables, only do the specific table for the requested record type.

Hope this makes sense? :woman_shrugging:t2: I don’t think it’s as complicated as I’m making it in my head. Thanks!

Who will be filling out the forms — you or someone else?

Who will be filling out the forms — you or someone else?

The client - someone else.

Working on the top level, but if they want a record retrieval, there will be a webpage that the land on first that shows them all the different types of record retrieval options available. Then when they start the process, I’d like them to first enter the info on that Master table and it generates a record request (unique ID) and created on date, and captures:

  • Unique Record Request ID

  • Name

  • Contact Info

  • Do they want digital or paper copies

  • Do they want analysis or a transcription or just the record

  • Delivery date for the record, etc.

  • Which repository from which they want the record

  • Record type (Those the match to all the individual tables - probate record, marriage record, birth record, court record, etc.)

Ideally then, I am hoping to then either use gravity forms to have the rest of the fields appear for the correct record or send them to the separate page where they would enter the specific information about the record itself. Then they shouldn’t need to REPEAT client name, email, phone - it should just be the new information fields.

On the back end, I think the unique record ID could carry over? and I’d like it to also have the clients name, email, mobile phone - i’m flexible on the last two, but the name and unique ID would allow me to link it to the main spreadsheet for delivering the record once it’s researched and retrieved.

Does that make sense? I don’t think this is that complicated - I’d be happy to pay someone an hour in consulting time to set it up correctly if need be.

We built a tool that allows your client to login into the form. Then any records they create would be automatically linked to their own record.
