Base lists Members of a Group organized on Facebook, which Member admitted them to it, and where applicable, which Member recommended them for admission.
a Single Line Text column has each Member’s Facebook name, and
a Link to Another Record column that references the Facebook Name column specifies which Member admitted that Member to the Group.
I want a third column that will auto-populate with Members added by that Member, based on the info in the second column.
For the life of me, I can’t figure out how to do this. Everything I’ve read here has been about establishing relationships between records of different types, whereas this is about establishing relationships between records of the SAME TYPE in the SAME TABLE.
If I can get past this point, I may or not need help with the next step. I imagine it will be easier to solve, but whatever solution is offered should take into consideration what I want to do with that third column.
First, I will want to duplicate the above with columns for Members recommended by other Members for admission, and conversely whatever Members may have recommended them. (Members without Moderator or Admin status can not admit Members, but can recommend Members for Mods or Admins to admit. Thus a Member could either have one relationship: to the Member who admitted them, or two: to the Member who admitted them, AND the Member who recommended them.)
Secondly, we have other columns that rate that Member’s performance in the Group, towards the end of considering Members for promotion to Moderator and Admin levels in the Group. We also want to encourage everyone to recommend and admit good members, so we want everyone’s performance scores to be automatically adjusted so they garner a percentage of the scores of the people they have admitted OR recommended. So, I will need an “adjusted score” column with a Formula (Rollup?) that will aggregate the unadjusted scores of Members admitted or recommended by each Member.
Thanks so much for any help!