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Hi All,

How our system work:

We have a 3 step application process…

  1. Applicant complete Typeform A.

  2. Data is sent to Malchimp and Airtable.

  3. Malchimp sends out a specific email with a link to Typeform 2.

  4. Applicant completes Typeform B.

  5. Data is sent to Mailchimp and Airtable.

  6. a Panel of about 5 people reviews the information on airtable as provided by the applicant.

  7. We give admission on Airtable (Yes/No) which triggers a new email to be sent via Malichimp with the 3rd and final Typeform.


We want to create an automated vorm on Airtable to rate applicants.

The vorm should include some info of the application that is going to be rated. We would like this to be an automated process which sends out the vorm to 5 emails(our panel). The vorm that they would receive would be applicant 1 or 115 for example.

The email should contain information of the specific applications with different questions (see example below).

After the vorm is completed, the information should be sent back to Airtable.


Applicant Name: XYZ IT

Startup Stage: MVP

Funding Needed: 50K

Vision: Blah blah blah

What is the funding going to be used for: MVP development


Who is rating the startup: (select name in drop down)

Are there valuations correct? - out of 5

Would you invest in them? - out of 5

Do they have potential? - out of 5

I have started to make a form. I would like to know if the airtable forms are sufficient for what I want to do or should I use an external vorm application? Any tips on the process? Wouldnt want to waste time doing it incorrect.

Thank you in advance!

Airtable forms can not display information from your base, so you would need to use external tools to do this. Two options are:

  1. The combination of JotForm + On2Air Forms.


Airtable forms can not display information from your base, so you would need to use external tools to do this. Two options are:

  1. The combination of JotForm + On2Air Forms.


Hi @ScottWorld ,

Thank you for the feedback.

Out of the two, which one would be your reccomendation?

Would they enable every vorm to have have the information of each new entry?

Kind regards,


That ship has sailed. :winking_face: But you have plenty of time for compass heading corrections. Is it safe to say that your solution is an MVP itself? Or, are you trying to launch into full production immediately with Airtable plus whatever you can string together?

I’m no expert in matters of sales funnels, but the implementation approach seems fractured because you are using disparate forms loosely coupled by email messages. Have you considered a single web app with a passwordless security model and all three steps in one interface?

The challenge of engaging customers (aka, new startups in this case) is that you need to (i) make it simple, (ii) compress time (theirs and yours), and (iii) capture the data with the fewest number of questions as possible. People - it turns out - hate forms, so you need to make it feel like they aren’t filling out forms. I also get the sense that the outer edge of your funnel process is likely to occur more often on a mobile device as a result of a social media interchange. If so, your audience will eventually move to the desktop when things get more serious.

One idea - drop in a simple diagram here so we can see your process vision. That might trigger some additional creativity from the community.
