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Sorry about the newbie question: via scripting, I´m trying to import a csv using .parsedContents however my csv has several spaces and non-AlphaNumeric characters in the headers so when I come to map the fields I don´t know how to specify them, for example line 4 in this snippet there´s a space between LAST and NAME:

1    let newRecords = => ({

2 fields: {

3 'Email':

4 'Last Name': fileRow.last name,

5 }

6 }))

As I have several files to import several times a month I would not like to have to "cleanup" the csv in some other spreadsheet as it´d defeat the whole purpose of using airtable as I already have (an ugly) way of doing it all in excel.

Or is there a way to use the extension CSVImport via scripting using a predefined csv>table field pairing for each table?

Also, I´m wondering if it´s possible to run a script any other way apart from the side extensions panel.  Is there any way to have a custom button or hotkey to run a script?

Thanks in advance,

Hi Chris! This might be a request that is best suited for an email to Support so that we could dig in a bit further, but as an initial guess, it might work to try fileRow["last name"] instead of fileRow.last name. More on this JS syntax here.


Regarding the follow-up questions:

  • “Or is there a way to use the extension CSVImport via scripting using a predefined csv>table field pairing for each table?”
    • No, I don’t believe that this is possible. The extension will “remember” field mappings between runs, but can’t be triggered by another scripting extension with mappings defined in code.
  • “Also, I’m wondering if it’s possible to run a script any other way apart from the side extensions panel. Is there any way to have a custom button or hotkey to run a script?”
    • The other two ways to run scripts are the Automation’s run a script action and button field. Cmd + Shift will open extensions but not run them. There’s not a way to (natively) set custom hotkeys, though perhaps a 3rd party browser extension or app would allow you to run “macros” of some sort.

Hope that this can help point you in the right direction!

Thanks Juliana, the JSSyntax you mentioned was what I was looking for. Thanks!
