Ahhh, that’s an awesome idea!
+1 for me too!
I have exactly this set up in my customer / project base (I do database consultancy). I have two Zaps (now I would probably use Integromat) looking at my Inbox and Sent Items and matching email from / to addresses respectively against my Airtable base - and if a match is found storing the text of the email into an Activities record linked to the person. I also store a link to the email (they’re in Office 365 but you could do the same with Gmail).
I have exactly this set up in my customer / project base (I do database consultancy). I have two Zaps (now I would probably use Integromat) looking at my Inbox and Sent Items and matching email from / to addresses respectively against my Airtable base - and if a match is found storing the text of the email into an Activities record linked to the person. I also store a link to the email (they’re in Office 365 but you could do the same with Gmail).
I need to revisit this. I abandoned it because of other higher priority tasks and not having a clear path forward.
Do you also put a ticket/task ID in the subject? Otherwise, how do you make sure you don’t match emails from a customer that aren’t related to a ticket/task?
We also use Office 365.
Hi Chris
My needs don’t include needing to link an email to a support ticket - but it would be possible if a ticket no (probably simplest to use the Airtable record ID) were in the subject or body of the email.
Any chance of posting this example or sharing how you did this?
with this need, I also have a need to create a “form” that staff would use to send to the customer for approval for the custom design we did.
Any chance of posting this example or sharing how you did this?
with this need, I also have a need to create a “form” that staff would use to send to the customer for approval for the custom design we did.
I didn’t end up implementing anything because I didn’t have the technical chops to do it at the time (the email parsing specifically)… but you could probably accomplish this with an email parsing service. There are many out there. I would use Azure Logic Apps (or Zapier) to act as the glue between Airtable and the email parsing service.
As to the form, I don’t know if Airtable can pre-load a form with data from a record. If it can do that you could make all the fields read-only except for the approval question and maybe a comments box.
Hope this helps.