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I’m trying to understand how the Kanban view saves the order of cards for the view, and if there is a way to record that order. Basically we are trying to prioritize each person’s/team’s backlog, and want that order preserved. We need to make sure someone else can’t come in and apply a sort, and lose all the prioritization.

Is there currently any way to do this?

If it’s based off a single select field (for example Status), it’s based off the ordering of the options. In this case, changing the sort order (even if the Status field), doesn’t actually change the column sorting.

If it’s based off a single select field (for example Status), it’s based off the ordering of the options. In this case, changing the sort order (even if the Status field), doesn’t actually change the column sorting.

Thanks, that makes a lot of sense.

It seems there is still not really a way to record the order of the cards as they are moved up and down on the Kanban board, in the way that say the single-select column changes are recorded on the tasks.

Perhaps a feature request is in order.

This may not be applicable to you, my team is very small. (5 people) We have our workflow kanban set up so that each column is an item type and then they are organized by product area first (new order, in assembly, shipping, etc), they are each a different color to separate product areas. They are then sorted by an order date field, so that each product area has their own fifo order. Then everyone can just use the same view and the sort always makes it correct. You could also limit the abilities of most users so they don’t affect the global sort. Or even use the personal views to avoid changing the global view.Maybe one of these will help.
