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Hi there — I suspect the answer is ‘you can’t’, but is there any way to restrict a user to only be allowed to upload a single attachment to an attachment field in a Form view?

Just bumping this because there hasn’t been a response.

Anything? I came upon an example that may help:

I wish to have a ‘Plant’ record decorated by multiple ‘Plant Photo’ records. Each ‘Plant Photo’ links to a single ‘Plant’, uses an auto-number primary field, has a ‘Description’ long text field, and has an ‘Attachment’ field.

I want a 1-to-1 correspondence between a ‘Plant Photo’ and its description.

We’ve built this feature in miniExtensions Form. It’s an advanced form for Airtable. You can restrict the number of file uploads.


I would also enjoy this as a native feature. 

Following.  Still an issue in September, 2024. It seems like it would be such an easy thing to incorporate.  Google forms does this natively.

+1 on this feature request as well.

It should be easy to implement, makes sense to a lot of usecases....


+1. Need this feature
