Hey! I’m troubleshooting an issue with my base setup, and a bit stuck.
Some context:
I have a base with 2 tables: TV Shows and Episodes
The TV Shows table includes different shows (duh), while the Episodes table includes some metadata about the individual episode
The TV Shows table is populated by Zapier, which pushes new episodes to the base using an RSS feed (Create Record)
The RSS feed does not include the TV Show it belongs to. Thus when the record is created in the Episodes table, there is no corresponding TV Show field that would allow me to create a linked record to the Episodes table.
I’m basically trying to figure out how I can automatically add the TV Show field to a new record when it is created in the Episodes table.
Ideally, Zapier would allow me to manually add the TV Show to the zap that is triggered to create the new Airtable record. And now that I type it out, maybe it’s more of a Zapier problem than an Airtable problem :)… but will create the topic anyway in case somebody has ideas.