Hi all,
I’m having trouble with what I’d thought would be simple enough, regarding the structure of my base/tables…
I’m managing Courses comprised of multiple Classes which can include multiple Guides each, so I have a “courses” table linked to a “Classes” table (multiple classes within a course)
and a “Guides” table linked to the classes table, where each class can have multiple Guides simultaneously.
I’d like to manage the payments for the guides on an individual basis, so that I can for instance see all the payments for a guide and mark each one with a “paid/due” checkbox.
The problem:
All of the classes are within the same record inside the ‘Guides’ base, so I can only set them all as ‘paid’ or ‘due’, not individually.
Same problem within the classes base - all the guides for a particular class are within the same record inside the classes base, so I cannot mark payments for guides on an individual basis, I can only mark the class as paid (for all the applicable guides).
my conclusion is that I would need a table that will populate itself whenever I assign a guide to a class, giving me a 1-to-1 relationship between classes and guides, each one on its own record which I can then mark as ‘paid’, BUT firstly, that’s a whole lot of duplicates and secondly, how would I go about doing that? Probably some kind of automation is needed, or maybe I’m just thinking about it all wrong?
Thanks for reading and much appreciation in advance for any help from the dearest Airtable community