Not entirely possible natively, but you could simulate this in couple of ways…
You could use the scripting block to allow users to delete a record from the eMaster] table, and then with the same script, delete the associated record(s) from the eSlave] table in the background.
For a more simple approach… If you have linking relationships set up, i.e. Record A on the tMaster] table is linked to Record A on the tSlave] table, you could set up a view on the tSlave] table that is filtered to only show records that have a value linked to the tMaster] table. This way when a record is deleted from rMaster], the associated records would fall off of the view on the tSlave] table. You could then set up a second view that is filtered to only show records without a value linked to Master], and delete them -manually- periodically.
Hope this is helpful!