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Is there a way to mirror information from a lookup field into an adjacent long text field? 
I'm using Diagram Automator and the "insert image" function can't read/populate a URL from lookup field only a text field.

Maybe a formula or script that could be used as an automation?

Hmm, perhaps try creating a formula field that'll check whether the lookup field value is equal to the long text field value, and then make an automation that'll trigger when it's not equal

The action would then be to paste the lookup field value into the long text field

Hmm, perhaps try creating a formula field that'll check whether the lookup field value is equal to the long text field value, and then make an automation that'll trigger when it's not equal

The action would then be to paste the lookup field value into the long text field

Thanks for the input @TheTimeSavingCo! I kept knocking away at it last night and built an automation that works using a "when record is updated" (trigger) "update record" (action) targeting the long text fields to be updated with trigger field value.

Thanks for the input @TheTimeSavingCo! I kept knocking away at it last night and built an automation that works using a "when record is updated" (trigger) "update record" (action) targeting the long text fields to be updated with trigger field value.

Would you mind providing a screenshot of this automation? I've been attempting the same thing but can't figure out how to get it to work.
