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Hi guys,

I’m happy to report that use of Airtable has jumped the fence in my organization, and is now in use by several discrete teams. My team manages a Pro account, and would like to help our partners migrate their work from individual accounts to our Pro workspace. But we can’t figure out how!

We can duplicate the bases in question, but cannot move them. Is there a way to migrate without needing to reset access permissions, existing share links, etc.?



I think what you’ll need to do is have the creator invite one of your team members to join his or her workspace with creator privileges; from there the team member can move it to the shared team workspace. (If the creator is concerned about opening the entire workspace to the team member, s/he can create a new shared workspace and move the base to it.)

Thanks, we’ll look at this. Using a new workspace as an intermediary is smart. In our case though, we have one snag… The original owner of the bases we would like to migrate is no longer with our organization. So we can’t transfer ownership just yet; we’re working on regaining access.
