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I am using the Airtable desktop app on a Mac running OS 10.15.4 (Catalina). Neither drag and drop nor cut and paste work to enable me to move a record. The only record ordering I can do is to order by ascending or descending order, which does not yield a good result since our tracking codes are date-based (so I don’t want codes generated in 2019 to fall in the same area as those generated in 2020.) Nothing I have tried seems to work.

Have you tried turning off the “keep sorted” option?

Have you tried turning off the “keep sorted” option?

Thanks—that did it!


Deborah Bradley, Ph.D.

Co-Editor (with Scott Goble), Action, Criticism, and Theory for Music Education

University of Wisconsin-Madison (retired)

University of Toronto (retired)

Boston University, D.M.A. External Supervisor
