Hi there! This formula should do it…
LEFT({Field Name}, FIND(",", {Field Name}) - 1)
Tanks for answering
But now it only shows up IF there is a “,”
The one with a “,” is blank
Please look on this Image
Tanks for answering
But now it only shows up IF there is a “,”
The one with a “,” is blank
Please look on this Image
{Field Name},
{Field Name}&','
That concatenates {Field Name}
with a trailing ','
so all fields will match the FIND()
Empty fields will cancel out with FIND(',',{Field Name}&',')-1
equal to 0
I am still only getting half
Why is this still empty?
I am still only getting half
Why is this still empty?
Because I put the &','
in the wrong place.
Try the edited formula in my now-corrected reply, above.
Thank you very much, now its good