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Hi Community,

I need help making an IF THEN formula. I don’t know how to do this and would love your assistance.

I have records with the following relevant columns:

  • Price of Home (rental prices i.e. $1,000 or sale prices i.e. $500,000)

  • % Commission (7.5% or 8.333% or 2.5% or 3%)

  • GCI ($ gross commission income)

I want to make the following formula to fill in the GCI column:

IF % Commission is 2.5% OR 3% THEN GCI is calculated by {Price of Home}x{%Commission}

IF % Commission is 7.5% OR 8.333% THEN GCI is calculated by {12}x{Price of Home}x{%Commission}

Thanks so much!!!

Hopefully I captured what you needed here:



{% Commission} = .025,

{% Commission} = .03


{Price of Home} * {% Commission},



{% Commission} = .075,

{% Commission} = .083333


12 * {Price of Home} * {% Commission}



Best of luck!
