If the day is 16 or greater, add 1 to the month and then subtract 1 day.
What do you want returned if the created date is greater than the last two weeks?
This will work for your “Due Date” field, assuming a field named “Submitted”:
However, in it’s current state, it will return blank for any “Submitted” dates that are older than 2 weeks (14 days). Something tells me this probably isn’t what you want, but it can be changed if needed.
This will work for your “Issue Date” field, assuming a field named “Due Date”:
IF({Due Date},DATEADD({Due Date},4,'day'),BLANK())
It will return blank if {Due Date}
is blank.

Hi. What about when the due date is not set?
The formula
IF({Completed} = 1, “
”,IF(IS_BEFORE({Due date}, TODAY()), “
”,“ :running_man: In-progress:running_man:”))
works great, but I get #ERROR! in cells without deadlines, and I hate that.
Hi. What about when the due date is not set?
The formula
IF({Completed} = 1, “
”,IF(IS_BEFORE({Due date}, TODAY()), “
”,“ :running_man: In-progress:running_man:”))
works great, but I get #ERROR! in cells without deadlines, and I hate that.
See this reply.