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Looking for some help with the new Form Builder tool.

I have upgraded a couple of forms for external users and all seems well expect for one thing (so far) - I am not able to manually sort a Linked Record type field.

In the old form design (created in Data) we would use "Limit record selection to a view" and that view would be sorted the way the data should appear eg. by date, earliest to latest.

Now we don't select a Data view but put filters on the field, as you would in Interfaces. I cannot locate a Sort function to go with the filter.
Is this an oversight in the update? Or is there something I'm missing? Any one else found this to be a problem?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Yeah I couldn't find a setting for this either.  The order it displays in appears to be from the first view in the linked table, so I ended up just creating a view for that specifically and locking it so that no one would mess with it

This workaround only works if you've only got one form that uses that linked table though I'm afraid

Yeah I couldn't find a setting for this either.  The order it displays in appears to be from the first view in the linked table, so I ended up just creating a view for that specifically and locking it so that no one would mess with it

This workaround only works if you've only got one form that uses that linked table though I'm afraid

Thank you @TheTimeSavingCo  
This is a workaround for now - thank you. Would be good if in future we can choose to input filter or can select a view.


Your best bet for sorting linked records on a form is to use Fillout’s advanced forms for Airtable.

Fillout is 100% free and offers hundreds of features that Airtable’s native forms don’t offer, including the ability to update Airtable records from a form, sort linked records based on a specified view in Airtable, display Airtable lookup fields & Airtable rollup fields & Airtable attachments & formulas on forms, dynamically & conditionally filter linked record fields by any values that you would like, perform math or other live calculations on your forms, accept payments on forms, create multi-page forms with conditional paths, create new linked records on a form, display as many fields as you want to see in a linked record selection list (including attachments), and so much more.

Hope this helps! If you’d like to hire an expert Airtable consultant to help you with anything Airtable-related, please feel free to contact me through my website: Airtable consultant — ScottWorld


Your best bet for sorting linked records on a form is to use Fillout’s advanced forms for Airtable.

Fillout is 100% free and offers hundreds of features that Airtable’s native forms don’t offer, including the ability to update Airtable records from a form, sort linked records based on a specified view in Airtable, display Airtable lookup fields & Airtable rollup fields & Airtable attachments & formulas on forms, dynamically & conditionally filter linked record fields by any values that you would like, perform math or other live calculations on your forms, accept payments on forms, create multi-page forms with conditional paths, create new linked records on a form, display as many fields as you want to see in a linked record selection list (including attachments), and so much more.

Hope this helps! If you’d like to hire an expert Airtable consultant to help you with anything Airtable-related, please feel free to contact me through my website: Airtable consultant — ScottWorld

@ScottWorld  I haven't come across that system before, I will definitely look into it. We would really benefit from having forms that update records and show lookup/rollup data.
Room for potential improvements! Thank you!

Our miniExtensions form gives you full control over how linked records are displayed. You can choose the sort order freely, which fields and records are displayed and in which layout. There are a lot of options to explore, which you can do with a free account right now 🙂
