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Hi ,

I'm based out of india and using Visa Card to upgrade from Free to Team License. I tried few times but I'm getting below error everytime "We were unable to upgrade you at this time. Please refresh the page and try again.".  


I tried to refresh and re-do this transaction with other visa card, but that is also not working. 

Any help on how to get out of this problem would be great? 

Hey @amitkaul, just following up here for visibility but per our DM conversation, our team will be reaching out. Thanks!

Hey @amitkaul, just following up here for visibility but per our DM conversation, our team will be reaching out. Thanks!


I am facing the same issue "We were unable to upgrade you at this time. Please refresh the page and try again." 



I am facing the same issue "We were unable to upgrade you at this time. Please refresh the page and try again." 





Tried 3 different cards, still nothing happens..

I am running into the exact problem when upgrading from Free to Team. The Airtable Support team hasn't responded either. What's going on @dashler78 team?

I am running into the exact problem when upgrading from Free to Team. The Airtable Support team hasn't responded either. What's going on @dashler78 team?

Hey @kartvee, confirming that our Support team will follow up with you about this.


I'm facing the same Issue. I was able to upgrade to team plan few months back, but every time auto renewal failed and I got downgraded to free plan. Sometimes If I click on the view Invoice option, I was able to pay through stripe.

I have reached out to support and they have responded that there is some issue with processing cards from India. But for now, I too can't upgrade from free plan.

@vstr8889 @amitkaul Were any of you able to upgrade?
