To make it weirder, the blank page only happens when I use a Windows machine. When I print to PDF on my Mac, all the pages are there. However, some fields are not fully displaying. Images with transparent backgrounds now print with a black background.
This page designer block is cool, it looks great online, but printing to PDF or paper doesn’t give you what you see on screen. Seem very quirky.
I have the same problem. First page okay, the other ones blank.
Still happening. Page designer is cool, but it sucks if you actually want to print something.
I solved my problem by choosing
at “Settings” the record size “Legal”
and “Print” settings the paper size “A4”
maybe it’s because I don’t have a mac
For anyone finding this (old) topic - the partial solution is to ensure "Print Backgrounds" is ticked in your print dialogue. The extension does mention this somewhere in it's docs. I had the same pain.
I say partial because I'm still getting every second page as blank.. but at least I'm getting all records.