I got two questions within one questions I can’t figure out if it’s solvable as I need both to work to fix my problem. I really hope someone can help as nothing tried sofar is working, and don’t know if it’s possible at all.
I got two comma separated roll up fields one with names and one with numbers and on field with a number.
Field A: 2,3,4
Field B: Bob, Jerry, Katy
Field C: 2
First im trying to mutiply every number in Field A with Field C.
So Field A1: 4,6,8
I’ve tried in the rollup window to use this formular ARRAYJOIN(VALUE(values)*FieldC) but throws me an error.
Then I need the multiplied values in the comma separated field (Field A1) to be matched up with the names in Field B:
Field Bob 4, Jerry 6, Katy 4
Does anyone know if this this is at all possible?