Hi Community,
i’m extracting the date from the below string
27909270100235 = 1979-SEP-27
using a formula below
DATETIME_FORMAT(RIGHT(LEFT(RIGHT(LEFT(ARRAYJOIN({National ID#}),7),6),4),2)&"/"&RIGHT(RIGHT(LEFT(ARRAYJOIN({National ID#}),7),6),2)&"/"&IF(LEFT(RIGHT(LEFT(ARRAYJOIN({National ID#}),7),6),2)>50,“19”&LEFT(RIGHT(LEFT(ARRAYJOIN({National ID#}),7),6),2),“20”&LEFT(RIGHT(LEFT(ARRAYJOIN({National ID#}),7),6),2)),“DD-MMM-YYYY”)
the result is ok, 27-sep-1979
but I’m trying to get the age by further calculations/formula but it seems it doesn’t recognise the date above to make further actions
and I realised that the formatting tye in the field doesn’t recognise it too, and received below message
Your result type is not a number or a date. Formatting options are currently only available if your result type is a number or a date.
any suggestions?