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I have a column {Sentence with Plain Value}, whenever a value that is listed in column {Plain Value} exists, I want it replaced with the value in column {Value with R Ball} and outputted with other initial values in the sentence.


For example:

I love to have a Big Breakfast will be -> I love to have a Big Breakfast®️

A Burger is delicious -> A Burger®️ is delicious

How can I accomplish this?

Hey @junaid2ali

You don't actually need the Value with R Ball field at all to do this.
Create a new formula field and give this formula a shot: 





{Plain Value}, {Sentence with Plain Value}




{Plain Value}, {Sentence with Plain Value}



{Sentence with Plain Value}, {Plain Value}, {Plain Value} & "®️"


{Sentence with Plain Value}


{Sentence with Plain Value}




You'll want to double check that all the field names and values are correct if it throws you an error.

Hi @junaid2ali

You can also accomplish this by using the SUBSTITUTE Formula. Try this: 

SUBSTITUTE({Sentence With Plain Value},{Plain Value}, {Value with R ball})
Some more information about the SUBSTITUTE formula (curtesy of Airtable):
SUBSTITUTE(string, old_text, new_text, [index])
Replaces occurrences of old_text with new_text. You can optionally specify an index number (starting from 1) to replace just a specific occurrence of old_text. If no index number is specified, then all occurrences of old_text will be replaced
I hope this helps!

Hey @junaid2ali

You don't actually need the Value with R Ball field at all to do this.
Create a new formula field and give this formula a shot: 





{Plain Value}, {Sentence with Plain Value}




{Plain Value}, {Sentence with Plain Value}



{Sentence with Plain Value}, {Plain Value}, {Plain Value} & "®️"


{Sentence with Plain Value}


{Sentence with Plain Value}




You'll want to double check that all the field names and values are correct if it throws you an error.

Thanks for this, but this solution assumes the R ball is always at the end correct? which is not the case.

Thanks for this, but this solution assumes the R ball is always at the end correct? which is not the case.



{Plain Value}, {Sentence with Plain Value}, {Value With R Ball}




{Plain Value}, {Sentence with Plain Value}



{Sentence with Plain Value}, {Plain Value}, {Value With R Ball}


{Sentence with Plain Value}


{Sentence with Plain Value}

