Can you try something like rolling up the Created Time using MAX(values).
Then use a Look Up field in the table you rolled up from to look this value up. Then use a formula to display the type of interaction if Created Time is the same as the rolled up maximum time…
IF( {Created Time}={Max Time}, {Type of Interaction}, BLANK() )
Then use a Roll Up or Look Up in the other table to get the interaction.
(I have not tried this, but it is probably how I would attempt it)
Can you try something like rolling up the Created Time using MAX(values).
Then use a Look Up field in the table you rolled up from to look this value up. Then use a formula to display the type of interaction if Created Time is the same as the rolled up maximum time…
IF( {Created Time}={Max Time}, {Type of Interaction}, BLANK() )
Then use a Roll Up or Look Up in the other table to get the interaction.
(I have not tried this, but it is probably how I would attempt it)
Thanks for your idea!
I actually figured out that the reason nothing was working… was that I was trying to operate off of a lookup field instead of a rollup field. DOH!