Surprisingly, this is a very tricky feat to pull off in Airtable.
I give step-by-step instructions on how to do this on this Airtable podcast episode.
p.s. If you’d like to hire an expert Airtable consultant to help you with anything Airtable-related, please feel free to contact me through my website: Airtable consultant — ScottWorld
Yeap, but you'll need a couple of helper fields and I've set up a base here for you to check out and you can duplicate it to see the formulas and stuff!

The idea is to add a rollup field to your "Staff Members" table with a "MAX()" to display the latest date from the linked records in "Agreements". Then, add a lookup field in "Agreements" to display that latest date, and then a formula field to check that record's date against the latest date. Finally, add a lookup field to "Staff Members" to display the company name from "Agreements" based on the output of the formula field
Yeap, but you'll need a couple of helper fields and I've set up a base here for you to check out and you can duplicate it to see the formulas and stuff!

The idea is to add a rollup field to your "Staff Members" table with a "MAX()" to display the latest date from the linked records in "Agreements". Then, add a lookup field in "Agreements" to display that latest date, and then a formula field to check that record's date against the latest date. Finally, add a lookup field to "Staff Members" to display the company name from "Agreements" based on the output of the formula field
Hi Adam @TheTimeSavingCo,
Thanks a lot for this. This answer what we need, but as you also mention, rather surprised that it requires such a detour. Happy that at least it can get done. Thanks.
Surprisingly, this is a very tricky feat to pull off in Airtable.
I give step-by-step instructions on how to do this on this Airtable podcast episode.
p.s. If you’d like to hire an expert Airtable consultant to help you with anything Airtable-related, please feel free to contact me through my website: Airtable consultant — ScottWorld
@ScottWorld thanks for the explantion. I will definetly keep you in mind for our expertise needs. We are real no-coders and building apps by the actauly operations team, so it seems the time will coming soon, that we stick with the archotecture of our needs and ask experts to help build them.