Do you have an example of the information extracted from a barcode?
Depending on the output format from a scanned barcode, you may be able to scan the barcode into one field and have logic in other fields using functions like MID() and FIND() to get the info you want in an organized format.
I cant post the link as I’m on my phone at the moment, but if you look up the formula field reference page, it should show you some functions
Hi there
Thanks for your Reply. I try to explain what I am trying to achieve a bit more detailed.
Each book has its own unique Code, ISBN. If you scan this Code in Airtable using the Barcode field, the unique Code is returned. You can type this very same Code in e.g. Amazon and it Returns the book.
For example, the ISBN number of Moneyland by Oliver Bullough has the number 9781781257920. What I would like to achieve is to be able to scan the ISBN number using Airtable on my phone and Airtable to fill in widely available Information such as author, title etc.
As you can see in the attachment, I was able to scan the Code and it correctly returned 9781781257920. But how can I make Airtable to automatically fill in the other fields of this record?
Any support is highly appreciated. Thanks.
I hope this makes my Problem somewhat clearer.
Is there really no one who can provide any help at all?
Hi @MAHU_01
Maybe you could contact Airtable support. They might be able to help you.
If you open Airtable app, select the gear symbol, (upper left corner) then select “Contact support” and it will open a chat page. Then leave a message, it may take a few days, but when they respond, it will be by email.
This is how I might do it, few possibilities:
Zapier & Google Sheets & AirTable
a) Use Zapier to copy new records to a google sheet
b) use Google App script to pull in book data to sheet via an API on record update.
c) have Zapier update Airtable record with new info
Start in Google Sheets then similar to above
Something with Integromat
I have a similar question, different use case. I didn’t see a Zapier to pull in the information from (for example) I will take a look at their site tomorrow and see if there’s something possible…
I have a similar question, different use case. I didn’t see a Zapier to pull in the information from (for example) I will take a look at their site tomorrow and see if there’s something possible…
Well, their API is $99 a month minimum. Out of range for this one-off issue…
Well, their API is $99 a month minimum. Out of range for this one-off issue…
Hi @Matt_Frederick
Could you explain a little more about what you are trying to do?
My understanding with barcodes is that the barcode on the books, once scanned, will give you information about the book. But maybe I am misunderstanding your use case.
Thank you,
We’re building an inventory tracker for a photo studio. Its not books, but apparel & gear, but same process as any inventory need. Currently we’re entering style numbers and product names manually and would be nice to scan the barcode and have the style numbers/names pulled in automatically.
Hi there
Thanks for your Reply. I try to explain what I am trying to achieve a bit more detailed.
Each book has its own unique Code, ISBN. If you scan this Code in Airtable using the Barcode field, the unique Code is returned. You can type this very same Code in e.g. Amazon and it Returns the book.
For example, the ISBN number of Moneyland by Oliver Bullough has the number 9781781257920. What I would like to achieve is to be able to scan the ISBN number using Airtable on my phone and Airtable to fill in widely available Information such as author, title etc.
As you can see in the attachment, I was able to scan the Code and it correctly returned 9781781257920. But how can I make Airtable to automatically fill in the other fields of this record?
Any support is highly appreciated. Thanks.
I hope this makes my Problem somewhat clearer.
Did you ever find a solution? I am looking for something like this